Genealogy Data Page 2105 (Notes Pages)

Smith Percy Randolph [Male] b. 12 APR 1892 Stephenson Twp., Muskoka District, Ontario - d. 8 NOV 1948 Cripple Lake Hunting Camp, Muskoka Dist., ON

Title: canada.GED

Title: canada.GED

Title: canada.GED

November 11, 1948

Percy Smith, well known Huntsville resident, prominent Oddfellow and a long time employee of Muskoka Wood Products Company here, died suddenly while hunting at the Club camp at Cripple Lake Monday afternoon.
He, with his fellow hunters, left late last week for their camp and went to the runways on Monday morning, taking a boat down Cripple Lake to the hunting grounds. They started to return to camp about 4 o'clock and had landed a mile from the camp and were on the last stretch of the journey when Mr. Smith, without any warning, slumped on the trail, fell, and was dead when his companions reached him a few minutes later. They applied artificial respiration for some time without success. The body was carried to the camp, and John Cross and Emil Anderson, two of his companions, came at once to Huntsville, notified the family, coroner Dr. Davies and the undertaker, Mr. Addison. The body was brought in on Tuesday by Gordon Knox with team and wagon and Coroner Davies carefully investigated the circumstances. It is improbable that an inquest will be held.
Mr. Smith was born Apr 12, 1892 at Etwell, Ontario, a son of the late Silas and Jane Smith. He had resided in Huntsville for many years and was well known. He was married in 1921 to Miss Mary Vera May, daughter of the late Robert and Mrs. May of Ravenscliffe. Mrs. Smith and two children survive: Gloria (Mrs. John York of Kingston), and Lorna (Mrs. Wallace Earl of Huntsville).
The funeral will be held Thursday at 3 P.M. under the auspices of Fairy Lodge, I.O.O.F. of which the deceased was a past Noble Grand.
Mr. Smith's hunting party consisted of R. Ireland, John Cross, Emil Anderson, F. Creese and Roy Willston. The party had recently erected a new camp at Cripple Lake and it was being used for the first time.

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